Benjamin David Knoedler

Benjamin David Knoedler

Benjamin David Knoedler COMPOSITION Composer and pianist Benjamin David Knoedler (b. 1996) is quickly becoming established in the world of sacred music. He has published over 50 pieces with major publishers throughout the United States. His compositions have been...
Don Kruger

Don Kruger

Don Kruger VOICE Don Kruger (baritone, pianist, conductor, composer) is a graduate of The Juilliard School (Pre-College Division: Piano & Voice), Princeton University (BA in Music, with honors), Westminster Choir College (MM in Church Music, with concentration in...
Megan Morgan

Megan Morgan

Megan Morgan VOICE Megan Morgan, Megan Morgan is a composer, author, and vocalist. She is the daughter of Ron and Shelly Hamilton, and has voiced the character of Princess Pirate on 27 of the Patch the Pirate audio adventures. In 2014, she joined Majesty Music as a...
Mrs. Amanda Barrett

Mrs. Amanda Barrett

Mrs. Amanda Barrett FLUTE, KINDERFLUTE®, NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE, PICCOLO M. A., B. S. AMANDA BARRETT holds the degrees Bachelor of Science in Music Education and Master of Arts in Flute Performance from Bob Jones University. An Associate Professor of Music at BJU for...
Dr. Frank Garlock (Online Only)

Dr. Frank Garlock (Online Only)

Dr. Frank Garlock Conducting, Theory, Orchestration, Composition, Sacred Literature Survey, Music Ministry Administration Hon DMus (3), MM, BA FRANK GARLOCK is a recognized authority in church music. His formal education includes doctoral studies at the Eastman School...