Gloria Everson
Gloria Everson has been a singer, private teacher, and choral director of sacred and classical music for over 40 years. She specializes in helping students “find their voices”, build fundamental singing skills, and select a variety of appropriate and enjoyable music. Her desire is to help each student to minister and encourage with their singing whether for church, school, or community settings. She also assists those who intend to continue on to college training in music. She trained at Michigan State University (including featured solo parts with the MSU Concert Choir), and at the University of Michigan (including a performance at Carnegie Hall with the University of Michigan Choir). She is the former Calvary Baptist Academy Choir Director (Midland, Michigan) and former Faith Baptist School Choir Director (Pembine, Wisconsin). She has taught scores of teenagers and adults in one-on-one settings. She has also coached teachers and other professionals in the proper use of the speaking voice in order to ease and prevent problems associated with voice overuse. Her choirs and private students have consistently received strong ratings and reviews in competitions and concert performances.